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    “The Road We Travel”: Developing a co-produced narrative for a photovoice project

    Barry, Jennifer, Monahan, Christine, Monahan, Mark, Murphy, Rebecca, Ferguson, Sharon, Lee, Kelley, Bennett, Anna K., Gibbons, Patrick and Higgins, Agnes (2021) “The Road We Travel”: Developing a co-produced narrative for a photovoice project. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28. pp. 632-643. ISSN 1365-2850

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    4.1 Introduction: PhotoVoice is a participatory methodology in which marginalized communities represent their lived experiences through photography. While the methodology aims to foster partnerships throughout all phases, the literature suggests that in the field of mental health, some phases are often completed without participant involvement. 4.2 Aims: This paper elaborates on how the PhotoVoice method was used to engage service users and family members around their experience of involvement in a co-produced and co-facilitated mental health education intervention, in order to enhance public and policymakers knowledge of the project. 4.3 Methods: Ten participants were recruited and trained in the PhotoVoice method. Participants documented, through photography, their experiences of involvement in the education intervention. Following this, participants came together to co-produce and disseminate the photography exhibition to the public. 4.4 Results: PhotoVoice proved to be a flexible and creative method by which to include marginalized groups. By adhering to the collaborative principles of the methodology, service users and family members can retain decision-making power from the project's inception to its conclusion. 4.5 Implications for Practice: PhotoVoice is ideal for use within mental health nursing as it coincides with the recovery principle of promoting collaborative partnership between service users, family members and clinicians.
    Item Type: Article
    Additional Information: This is the preprint version of the published article, which is available at: Barry, J, Monahan, C, Monahan, M, et al. “The Road We Travel”: Developing a co-produced narrative for a photovoice project. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2021; 28: 632– 643. Funding: The EOLAS PhotoVoice project was funded by the Health Research Board's Knowledge, exchange and dissemination (KEDS) Scheme award. The project was funded by the Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) award from the Health Research Board Ireland [KEDS-2018-014].
    Keywords: PhotoVoice/photography; user involvement; advocacy; alternative interventions; carers/families; mental health;
    Academic Unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering > Psychology
    Item ID: 15088
    Identification Number:
    Depositing User: Rebecca Murphy
    Date Deposited: 09 Dec 2021 16:38
    Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
    Publisher: Wiley
    Refereed: No
    Funders: Health Research Board (HRB)
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    Use Licence: This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here

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