Cullen, Claire (2015) Developing the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a Measure of Implicit Homonegativity. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
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The current thesis delineates a programme of research that sought to design, develop,
and refine an IRAP that could be used as a reasonably reliable and valid measure of
implicit homonegativity. A novel feature of the programme was the introduction of a
multi-dimensional approach for screening participant sexual orientation. An additional
purpose of the current research was to provide the first systematic analysis of implicit
homonegativity in Ireland. Over the course of a series of experiments, the IRAP was used
to explore implicit homonegativity with a particular focus on: (a) its malleability as a
result of situational/context manipulation effects (Experiment 1; Chapter 3) and prior
exposure to gay-related exemplars (Experiment 2; Chapter 4); (b) known-group
differences and the implications of sensitive multi-dimensional sexual orientation
screening (Experiment 3 & 4; Chapters 5 & 6); (c) the impact of response latency
restrictions (Experiment 4 & 6; Chapters 6 & 8); (d) the moderating impact of selfreported
motivation to control homonegativity on IRAP responses (Experiment 1;
Chapter 3); and (e) the impact of single versus multiple labels on the IRAP (Experiment
6; Chapter 8). In addition, Chapter 7 (Experiment 5) again using a known-groups
approach, presents the first IAT study to investigate implicit homonegativity in Ireland.
Support for the reliability of the IRAP was provided when the same general pattern of
pro-straight and anti-gay biases were observed across most of the IRAPs (although
moderated by a number of variables). The known-groups studies (Experiments 3 and 4)
provided strong support for the validity of the Homonegativity-IRAP (and demonstrated
the utility of the multi-dimensional approach to sexual orientation screening that was
employed) because it clearly discriminated between Exclusive-Heterosexuals (EH), Non-
Exclusive-Heterosexuals (NEH) and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual (GLB) groups. In addition,
reducing the response latency criterion from 3000ms to 2000ms served to increase the
size of the IRAP effects and produce a pattern of responding that was more consistent
with sexual orientation group status. Unlike the 3000ms IRAP and the IAT, the 2000ms
IRAP did not correlate with a measure of social desirability. Arguably the most important
finding was that subtle changes in the number and type of stimuli that were employed in
the IRAP had a dramatic impact on the size of the D-IRAP effects. Overall, the research
reported in the current thesis provides support for the reliability and validity of the
Homonegativity-IRAP and suggests that it is a relatively robust measure that could
usefully be employed in future investigations of implicit homonegativity.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Keywords: | Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure; IRAP; Measure; Implicit Homonegativity; |
Academic Unit: | Faculty of Science and Engineering > Psychology |
Item ID: | 10389 |
Depositing User: | IR eTheses |
Date Deposited: | 07 Jan 2019 17:07 |
URI: | |
Use Licence: | This item is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike Licence (CC BY-NC-SA). Details of this licence are available here |
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